William B. (Flick) Fornia

Flick Fornia has expertise in all retirement-related areas, including financing, risk, plan design, bond analysis, asset-liability studies, retiree healthcare, litigation, bankruptcy and expert testimony.
He has performed consulting services regarding retirement systems in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming and others. Other clients have included the US Department of State, Cities of Oakland, New York and Philadelphia, IBM, US WEST and Ford Motor Company. In addition to state retirement systems, he has consulted on public pension matters involving seven of the ten largest US Cities. Flick has testified to numerous legislatures, city councils, and in Federal Court.
Prior to forming PTA in 2010, Flick had more than 30 years of consulting and actuarial experience, primarily in the areas of retiree pension and healthcare benefits. Flick led Aon Consulting's public sector pension actuarial consulting practice as Senior Vice President from 2006 to 2010. Previously, he managed the Denver Retirement Practice of Buck Consultants and opened the Denver office of Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Co. His career includes serving as corporate actuary for The Boeing Company and as consultant for numerous multinational corporations in Brazil and Argentina during his ten years at Towers Perrin.
Flick is well known for his ability to teach complex concepts to lay audiences through speeches, writings and expert testimony. He is a frequent speaker at organizations such as the National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA), the National Council on Teacher Retirement (NCTR), the National Association of Public Pension Attorneys (NAPPA), the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS), the Pension Research Council, the Conference of Consulting Actuaries, the Western Pension and Benefits Conference, the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, The Conference Board, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and the Brazilian Association of Pension Plans (ABRAPP).
Articles and speeches have addressed all aspects of retirement programs including retiree healthcare plans, and the challenges of public sector defined contribution plans. He co-authored A Better Bang for the Buck - The Economic Efficiencies of Defined Benefit Plans with the National Institute on Retirement Security in 2008.
Flick is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, Enrolled Actuary, Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and Fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. He currently serves on the steering committee of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries Public Plans Community, and is on the faculty of the Society of Actuaries Fellowship Admissions Course. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics at Whitman College.
Download Flick Fornia's bio, Fornia_Bio.pdf, or full curriculum vitae, Fornia_CV.pdf.
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